
Training & Nutrition

Standing Forward Bend Pose – cycling yoga

Yoga for cyclists: Standing Forward Bend pose by Total Women’s Cycling a Road Cycling video by Total Women’s Cycling

The Standing Forward Bend pose, also known as Uttanasana stretches the hardworking hamstrings, calves and hips as well as relieving fatigue.

The pose also helps to release tension in the neck and upper back, that can become tight from leaning over the handlebars.

How to do the Standing Forward Bend pose:

  • Begin standing with the feet together, hip width apart
  • Take the hands to the hips
  • Inhale, lengthening the spine and as you exhale fold forwards from the hips allowing the knees to bend slightly
  • Release the hands from the hips and hold onto opposite elbows
  • Allow the spine to ‘hang’ from the hips, the head to completely release
  • >Start to straighten the legs and work the quadriceps to protect the knees
  • Stay for 5 to 10 breaths
  • To come up, take the hands to the hips, bend the knees and slowly roll the spine back up
  • Last of all, lift the head.

What to watch for with the Standing Forward Bend pose:

  • Make sure you fold from the hips
  • If you find yourself folding from lower back, then bend knees more deeply
  • Let the head completely hang and keep the shoulders away from the ears.

Our instructor is Polly Clark; yoga teacher and founder of Mountain Yoga Breaks who offer weekends combining mountain biking and yoga in the beautiful Welsh countryside.


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