

How to Banish Helmet Forehead Breakouts in 4 Easy Steps

Adele Mitchell tells us how we can avoid forehead breakouts caused by our helmets

Cycle helmets are wonderful things – except when they give you a spotty forehead.

Inundated with requests to help you combat those irritating blemishes, Adele Mitchell, is on hand to show you how to keep your skin clear no matter how hot and sweaty your lid leaves you.

Keeping skin happy and healthy is tough when a helmet cocoons your head for hours on end. The trapped heat and moisture, as well as pressure from the chin strap, can leave you looking like a pubescent teenager.

To help prevent and clear up these pesky breakouts, simply follow these quick and easy tips to banish those zits forever.

Clean your helmet lining on a regular basis

Do this by simply washing your helmet in water using a mild soap of shampoo. There’s no need to remove the lining first, just ensure you give it a good rinse afterwards as any shampoo left behind may irritate your skin the next time you start to sweat.

Keep your fringe off your forehead

If you sport a fringe, try and keep it pinned back otherwise sweat and oil from your scalp will work their way down the hair and onto your forehead causing your pores to get clogged up with a sweaty oily cocktail of spot-feed.

Try a headband, skull cap or bandana

The best are designed to be worn under a helmet and are made from wicking fabric to help cope with moisture. They’re also easy to wash, or even change mid ride, and help keep your hair out of the way. This summer one from Alé is ideal and only £11.40.

Cleanse, cleanse, cleanse

Cleansing on the go: Cleanse your skin as soon as you take off your helmet. If you’re on the go then the best way is with facial wipes. Dermalogica Skin Purifying Wipes are pricey at £15 for 20 wipes, but contain Salicylic Acid, an effective treatment for spots, to help wipe away the grime.

Cleansing at home: At home, you need a cleanser that will target potential breakouts. Tea tree oil is a natural essential oil known for its natural antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-fungal properties. We recommend trying Australian Bodycare Tea Tree Oil Gentle Cleansing Milk.

You can also use tea tree essential oil as a treatment for spots, bruises and blisters, cuts and grazes, ingrown hairs, insect bites or as a repellent, shaving rash, pre- and post-waxing and after – pretty handy for cyclists then!

No Tracy, not that kind of mud mask… – Photo: Joolze Dymond

Origins Out of Trouble is a 10-minute mask that contains super-absorbent zinc oxide, sulphur and camphor to tackle excess oil, grime and dead skin cells in the time it takes to wash your bike.

Finally, if your spots are persisting and they’re beginning to get you down, it’s worth consulting your doctor. There are some very effective treatments available on prescription.

Don’t suffer in silence!

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